Strap in dear listeners for the galaxy spanning 50th episode of the KPL Podcast! For decades our special guest has brought to life the beloved protocol droid C-3PO and has written a memoir detailing those experiences. This week Anthony Daniels visits the show to chat about "I am C-3PO: The Inside Story" recently released in paperback! Bless my circuits, there is more! Jigisha investigates the broad appeal of Star Wars with some of the library's most dedicated super fans. All this and much more on a very Star Wars themed episode of the KPL Podcast! We'd love to hear from you! Comment below or write to us at
Star wars Rebels
Clone Wars
The Thrawn Trilogy
Vector Prime by RA Salvatore
Lost Stars by Claudia Gray
Bloodline by Claudia Gray
Strap in dear listeners for the galaxy spanning 50th episode of the KPL Podcast! For decades our special guest has brought to life the beloved protocol droid C-3PO and has written a memoir detailing those experiences. This week Anthony Daniels visits the show to chat about "I am C-3PO: The Inside Story" recently released in paperback! Bless my circuits, there is more! Jigisha investigates the broad appeal of Star Wars with some of the library's most dedicated super fans. All this and much more on a very Star Wars themed episode of the KPL Podcast! We'd love to hear from you! Comment below or write to us at
Star wars Rebels
Clone Wars
The Thrawn Trilogy
Vector Prime by RA Salvatore
Lost Stars by Claudia Gray
Bloodline by Claudia Gray