KPL Podcast
Each week the Kirkwood Public Library Podcast delves into in depth conversations with bestselling authors, provides book and film recommendations.
KPL Podcast
KPL Podcast September 2020 Week 2 with Special Guests Dan Brower and Laura Miller
Another exciting episode of the KPL Podcast is coming right atcha! We are joined by local author Laura Miller with her most recent title "The Dream." Additionally 2020 Census enumerator Dan Brower stops by to answer our question "Why is the census so vital?" along with many others. Plus Ryan learns about the wonder that is Jane Austen. All this and more! The KPL Podcast is available wherever you enjoy your podcast. Happy listening.
2020 Census
Books mentioned during the episode
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Marquez Garcia
The Jesus I Never Knew Philip Yancey
Born a Crime by Trevor Noah
Princess by Jean Sasson
White Oleander by Janet Fitch
Color of Water by James McBride